"You want it out, right?"
"No, I want it in."
It is Time
There are always some music, some voices, some light, some smell that drag at your heart until it beats harder so you cannot breathe, at your feet until they make a stop so you cannot move, at your eyes until they close so you cannot see anything, at your soul until it leaves the body and takes your memories along the silent dark trip, and that remind you of what you have been and where you once were.
It is time.
They say, if you choose someone, you choose a lifestyle. But I´m always thinking, you also choose a lifestyle when you choose one place to live. I hope I don´t have that exaggerated sensitivity of making the quality of my life dependent on where I live, although I´m not really sure if it´s bad or not, and above all, I do think that the place is important.
I had never got so used to one place like I am now. The convenience of the city itself and the advantage out of a deprived situation controversially on the other hand made me once scared even only thinking about being forced to move. Many years ago I heard about something about change. People always tell you that change is a good thing. But all they're really saying is that something you didn't want to happen at all... has happened, and you're heartbroken. There may be two types of reasons why you didn't want it to happen: either you really love it or you're so used to it so you yourself would never reconsider it again.
And then, there always comes the time that someone or something knocks at your head and you suddenly realize, change is the only thing in the world that never changes.
So it is time.
So maybe it's just wrong to stare at the sunshine and try to find out something familiar, because it was and never will be the same. And maybe it´s not a bad idea to choose a lifestyle in the mid-summer night´s light. Change is a good thing. It is time.
It is time.
They say, if you choose someone, you choose a lifestyle. But I´m always thinking, you also choose a lifestyle when you choose one place to live. I hope I don´t have that exaggerated sensitivity of making the quality of my life dependent on where I live, although I´m not really sure if it´s bad or not, and above all, I do think that the place is important.
I had never got so used to one place like I am now. The convenience of the city itself and the advantage out of a deprived situation controversially on the other hand made me once scared even only thinking about being forced to move. Many years ago I heard about something about change. People always tell you that change is a good thing. But all they're really saying is that something you didn't want to happen at all... has happened, and you're heartbroken. There may be two types of reasons why you didn't want it to happen: either you really love it or you're so used to it so you yourself would never reconsider it again.
And then, there always comes the time that someone or something knocks at your head and you suddenly realize, change is the only thing in the world that never changes.
So it is time.
So maybe it's just wrong to stare at the sunshine and try to find out something familiar, because it was and never will be the same. And maybe it´s not a bad idea to choose a lifestyle in the mid-summer night´s light. Change is a good thing. It is time.
Frog Down the Well
Once upon a time there was a frog sitting down a deep dark well since he was born and believed himself to be the happiest frog of the world. One day there came another frog on the ground, who so wanted to show him how dreadful it was sitting down there knowing nothing about the big nice world outside, but he refused to come up. "I´ve already seen the whole sky, pal, it´s just as big as the well and I´m looking at it everyday!" The worst thing about the lifelong propaganda education is neither censorship nor oppression, but the consequence that someone sold your soul and you still help them counting money.
The sun shined on me kindly, children were laughing loudly, mothers and some fathers were smiling and talking. I was sitting there thinking about what meanings does this all have. Apparently I was not in the best mood. Quite the contrary I felt a huge hole that was swallowing me. And do you know that situation where you are just staring at something while your head is totally completely blank? You don´t even feel the existence of yourself. Well, for one moment I lost my mind and didn´t know where I was. Suddenly the mother instinct came back to wake me up, warning me that I hadn´t seen my son for a while and my eyes were immediately searching for his moving shiny blue helmet, which made him together with his scooter unmistakable. After I realized how long he had been out of my sight I began to worry and stood up so I could see further. Looking around the park with my hand forming a sunblind finally I discovered him far away behind a hillock, driving exceptionally carefully down while holding his left hand a fist. I saw him opening his left hand and showing it to an old woman who was taking a walk in the park and heard only the fews words "for my mommy". I was still wondering when he then hurried up to me, shouting, "Mama, mama look! I have this for you!" He stopped his scooter right in front of me, and showed me that I should open my hand just like he did, and put his little hand on mine saying again "Mama, look, this... I have them for you!" I looked down to my hand, there were a dozen of tiny red fruits that I couldn´t call their name, well kept the long way down the hillock and transported from his little hand to mine. "I was worrying about where you have been. Did it take you so long because you were collecting these for Mama?" I asked. "Yes." He looked at me and answered, in a tone as if it were an implicitness and my question were superfluous. I looked into his dark sparkling eyes and forced myself not to cry. But I couldn´t hide my joy when I held him in my arms and gave him several kisses on his cheeks so that he couldn´t stop laughing. "Are you still looking for the meanings?" I thought to myself. "Maybe you´ll miss all of them if you are only busy searching."
You Are Precious
Wie schön! Sie betrachtet
sich im Spiegel, und erinnert sich an das Motto von einer Freundin, das sie
neulich gelesen hat: „You are precious“. Sie hebt ihre runterhängende
Augenlider, und ihr Herz schrumpft einmal ganz stark wie durch einen
Stromschlag. Der Föhn dröhnt ins Ohr, die um die Taille langen Haare tanzen,
das hinter diesen langen Haaren halb versteckte noch junge Gesicht zeigt voller
Hartnäckigkeit. Sie sieht ein paar reine aber standhafte Augen, die leicht nach
oben gehobenen Mundecken auf dem von klarer Linie gezeichneten Kiefer, den
schlanken Hals, die gesunden kräftigen Arme, und die von ihrem engen nassen
Bikini betonte schmale Taille. Sie sieht die mit ihren Haaren tanzenden Blicke
von Herren und Damen, die an ihr vorbei laufen oder in ihrer Nähe stehen
geblieben sind. In ihr steigt plötzlich ein Gefühl hoch, als wäre sie in
sich selbst verliebt. Die schönen halb trockenen Haare, rosa-rouge Wangen, saubere
glatte Haut... Was hat eine nach dem Regen frisch geblühte Seerose mehr
„You are
precious“, sagt sie sich selbst, und grübelt, wie sie dieses Motto stets vor
Augen halten kann. Sie ist immer wieder überrascht, dass man ihr auch in
schwierigen Situationen diesen Satz gesagt hat. Sie vermutet, das ist bestimmt nicht nur ihrer Schönheit wegen.
Sie schwenkt
ihren Kopf einmal kräftig, so dass ihre auf der Schulter liegenden Haare ihr
Gesicht nicht mehr verstecken. Sie hält ihre Hände auf der Brust, und
seufzt. Sie muss an die unzähligen Male denken, wo sie stolz auf der Straße
lief und beneidenden oder schwärmenden Blick genoß. Aber tief im Herzen ist ihr
ganz klar, wie seicht dieser Genuss ist. Schade, sie murmelt, habe ich denjenigen
verpasst, der diese Schönheit zu schätzen weiss, oder ist derjenige noch nicht
Sie verlässt
das Bad und stürzt sich in den warmen Wind, der sie verzaubert. Sie weiss noch,
dass sie als kleines Kind schon dieses Gefühl sehr mochte, wie der Sonnenschein
auf ihrer Schulter saß und eine Ecke von ihrem Kleid im Wind tanzte. Sie guckt
nach oben: die Bäume in der Allee fangen an zu blühen, und Vögel singen
besonders fleißig in der Dämmerung. So streckt sie ihre Arme, lässt ihre Finger
an den neuen Blüten gleiten und Wind zwischen ihren Fingern fliegen. Sie atmet
die freie Luft, und in dem Moment scheint alles eindeutig zu werden.
Ja, „I am
precious“. Es scheint ihr plötzlich klar geworden zu sein, so dass ihre Augen
richtig strahlen. Nicht die schönen langen Haare, sondern die Zartheit, die
unter diesen Wellen verborgen ist. Nicht die dunklen Augen, sondern die hinter
diesen Fenstern versteckte tiefe sinnliche Seele. Nicht der sanfte Rücken,
sondern die feste Überzeugung, die die Silhouette betont. Nicht die roten
Lippen die schmale Taille, sondern die vergossene Leidenschaft wenn sie tanzen.
Somit, sie entscheidet sich, ich soll keine Aufmerksamkeit mehr für
Schleimer-Lächeln schenken. Sie lächelt,
weil sie jetzt weiss, dass sie diese Schönheit jemandem zum Aufbewahren schenken
wird, der sie zu schätzen weiss.
Welcome in Club
No red rose is ever identical like another red one. Quite the human beings.
Whoever left the peak behind him must have climbed the whole mountain.
Some people know from the very beginning what they want and fight for it, they win. Some have been fighting for a long time yet achieve nothing, because they don´t know what they are fighting for.
If the question is, do you feel happy? One can think of hundreds of reasons why one is not. If the question is, do you feel unhappy? One may think of thousands of worse situations. Interesting how things look differently from different perspectives.
How much energy does a falling leaf have? But if you rush into that falling leaf at top speed from a right- or wrong- angle, it may cut your skin. So it´s all relative. Environment either buries you or forces you to go beyond your limit.
Life is like jumping from this trap to the next one. All the wonder is in the short moment when you are in the air. Most of the time you spend on striving to jump and not willing to fall.
Whoever left the peak behind him must have climbed the whole mountain.
Some people know from the very beginning what they want and fight for it, they win. Some have been fighting for a long time yet achieve nothing, because they don´t know what they are fighting for.
If the question is, do you feel happy? One can think of hundreds of reasons why one is not. If the question is, do you feel unhappy? One may think of thousands of worse situations. Interesting how things look differently from different perspectives.
How much energy does a falling leaf have? But if you rush into that falling leaf at top speed from a right- or wrong- angle, it may cut your skin. So it´s all relative. Environment either buries you or forces you to go beyond your limit.
Life is like jumping from this trap to the next one. All the wonder is in the short moment when you are in the air. Most of the time you spend on striving to jump and not willing to fall.
Barcelonas Wind
Das erste Mal, als ich wegreiste, nachdem ich nach Europa kam, war ich in
Spanien. Die einzige Reise, die ich hier ganz allein gemacht habe, war auch in
Spanien. Die Eindrücke, die die Hauptstadt mir hinterlassen hat, waren vor
langer Zeit schon verschwommen. Das, was immer wieder vor meinen Augen
zurückkehrt, ist die alleinige Reise.
Ich bin ein Mensch, der seine Erinnerungen gerne mit Jahreszeiten und
Wetter verbindet. Bewusst oder unbewusst. Nachdem es plötzlich so kalt wurde,
dass man fast vergessen hat, dass es eigentlich schon Sommer ist, zeigte der
Himmel heute plötzlich sein schönstes Gesicht, und mit dem
Körper-und-Haare-sanft-streichelnden Wind duftete es in meiner Nase genau so
wie auf dieser alleinigen Reise in Barcelona.
Das ist eine der wenigen Städte, wo ich meine Fussstapfen hinterlassen
habe, die mein Herz bis heute fesseln. Das ist eine Stadt voller Wind. Es war
noch kein richtiger Sommer als ich da war, aber der warme Meereswind wehte von
erster Begegnung an all die Sorgen weg, und fing mich auf, als ich diese Überraschung
noch gar nicht wahrnehmen konnte. Manche sagen, Barcelona sei erst nach den
olympischen Spielen in 1992 zu einer richtigen internationalen Stadt geworden.
Das kann ich nicht beurteilen. Was ich weiss, ist, es gibt wenigstens genau so
viele Filme und Geschichten über Barcelona wie über Paris. In meinen Augen hat
Barcelona sogar noch ein Stückchen mehr an Romantik als Paris. Wenn einer Stadt das
Wasser fehlt, ist sie wie Augen ohne Seele. Dieses Vorurteil sitzt schon seit
ewig tief in meiner Vorstellung drin, ohne das ich einen Ort überhaupt nicht
bewerten könnte. Die Berühmtheit de La Seine ist schon längst dank der
Verschmutzung in die Vergessenheit geraten, geschweigedenn sie mit dem endlosen
sonnigen Mittelmeerstrand in so einer Stadt wie Barcelona zu vergleichen. Und
wenn man vergleichen muss: Statt des Pariser mittelbürgerlichen Künstlerduftes
zieht mich viel mehr die buntgemischte freche Collage Barcelonas an. Dennoch
ist es unfair diese beiden Städte zu vergleichen; denn Paris als der lange Zeit
Mittepunkt Europas kann die Spuren der Geschichte nicht vertuschen. Eigentlich
finde ich Paris auch sehr charmant- nur anders als der Charme mit Herzlichkeit,
Liebenswürdigkeit und Gewogenheit von Barcelona beinhaltet der Pariser Charme
auch eine gewisse Furcht und Respekt.
Vielleicht hat das alles mit dem Reisenden selber zu tun. Ich war wie ein
kleiner Vogel, der endlich aus dem Netz alleine fliegen und nie genug von der
freien Luft atmen konnte. Ich traff meine ewig-nicht-gesehene Freundin und ihre
Freunde; meine Freude war nicht zu verbergen. Beim Tageslicht spazierte ich
rucksacktragend durch Strand, Park, Museen und Gassen, unterhielt mich auf
verschiedenen Sprachen mit Menschen verschiedenster Herkuft. Das kleine Interludium
meiner Reise, dass ich beinah auf der Strasse übernachtet hätte, oder der Dieb,
den ich erwischt habe, als er meine Tasche aufmachte, oder die Verehrer, deren
Gesichter ich mir gar nicht merken konnte... Ist meine Sprache zu mager oder
mein Erinnerungsvermögen zu schwach? Ich kann meine Reise nicht mehr mit
Worten beschreiben. Alles, was mir jetzt vor Augen übrig bleibt, ist Gespür,
Geruch, Lichter und unzählige Foto ähnliche unbewegliche Bilder der Szenen.
Genau wie dieser Wind, der mich wieder zu dem weiten Strand kurz vor meinem
Abflug brachte: die Sonne brennt meinen Rücken, der Wind wehte meine lange
Haare zum Tanzen. Ein Einzelgänger kam und fragte nach einer Zigarette. Wir
gaben uns ein Lächeln, setzten uns wieder hin, sprachen kein Wort. Nur Gedanken
reisten wieder ab in die Ferne. In einem Film, der in Barcelona spielte, sagte
der Mann, „Liebe ist nur dann romantisch, wenn sie unerreichbar ist“. Dann lass
mich diesen einen Moment in Nostalgie und Hoffnung verbringen.
Fisch sagte, sie sei neidisch auf meine Freiheit. Ich war nicht überrascht.
Das war nicht das erste Mal, dass sie mir das sagte. Dennoch brachten mich ihre
Worte immer wieder zum Nachdenken.
Ich machte mein Fenster auf und ließ die feuerrote Abendsonne meinen
Körper streichen. Der kühle und doch warme Wind brachte mir sommerliche Gefühle. Eine Zigarette, ein Glas Weisswein, ein paar leckere Oliven... Ich
suchte meine Fado CD wieder raus und mein Herz war bereit zu fliegen.
Der Süden! Mein heißgeliebter Süden! Die feinfühlige, melancholische Fado
Musik brachte mich zurück nach Portugal, zu der Wärme und ihrer Schönheit.
Die gebogenen, gekrümmten Gassen der Hafenstädtchen, die weißen Dachziegeln und
blau gestrichenen Wände, die vor der Tür sitzenden, sich unterhaltenden alten
Herren, das unwiderstehliche durch Fenster in die Straßen drängende Aroma von
Omas Rezept, der ruhige Spaziergang nach dem Abendessen am Strand... Für
Stadtkinder wie mich ist der Sonnenuntergang am Meer unbeschreiblich. Der geistige
Horizont streckt bis dort, wo die Sonne verschwindet. Und wenn Lichter der
Stadt heller werden und der Himmel dadrüber zum Sternemeer wird, kehrt man zurück
beim Lauschen der Wellen in der Ferne und Fußgänger, die einem entgegen kommen.
In der Hauptstadt Lisabon allerdings fängt das Leben gerade wieder an. Außerhalb
der Stadt hört man auch das Meer; inner gibt es auch unzählige gebogene und
gekrümmte Gassen; es sind zwar viel mehr Lichter als in anderen Städtchen aber
nicht unbedingt viel heller; zwischen den Straßen herrscht das ähnliche Aroma,
das aber ohne Fado sich kaum abschmecken lässt. Fado ist die mit französischer Chanson
vergleichbare traditionelle portugesische Musik, die von Generation zu
Generation weitergegeben wird. Es war mal die Zeit, dass noch alle
Familienmitglieder abends zusammen essen gingen und dabei Fado live genoßen. Heutzutage
ist es eher eine Touristenattraktion geworden. Das kommerzielle mag die
Ursprung von Fado in die Vergessenheit getrieben haben, auf gar keinen Fall aber ihre
Schönheit. Für mich ist Fado sogar viel mehr herzensgreifend. Sie ist immer
wohlklingend, erzählend wie ein kleines Bach aus einer klaren, saften Wasserquelle,
das gerade flussabwärts runterfließt. Und sie ist so melancholisch, so
blendend, wie ein frisch verliebtes Mädchen, das sich von seiner
leidenschaftlichen Liebe nicht trennen könnte. Weniger volltönend und klar als
spanische Musik, ein Hauch mehr Bitterkeit als französische gewürzt mit
romantischen Träumen. Sie hat die arabische Einflüsse perfekt aufgenommen
dennoch ihren eigenen Stolz und ihre Würde kein bisschen gerührt. Sie ist wie
das Land, das sie geboren hat, voller Schönheit und Zärtlichkeit, unnachgiebig
beharrlich jedoch tolerant und nachsichtig. Sie ist zwar still, aber die enorme
Kraft hinter dieser Stille ist nicht zu übersehen. Keine Frage, Fado-Versteher
sind Fado selbst.
Auch wenn sich der Körper nicht frei bewegen
kann, ist die Seele noch frei zu fliegen. Alles, was ich will, ist fleißig
He came, with this smile on his face,
sparkling eyes that seemed they wanted to say something, and sat down on her
side. He said nothing special but the most common greetings. She smiled back at
him, couldn´t say anything but look at those shining blue eyes. She must
have been dreaming! He broke the silence and talked about the coincidentally
meeting last week. Coincidentally because they never met except it was meant for. He talked about how ridiculous the demonstration was, lacking of
organization and seriousness. He talked about it in such an unpersonal way that
her concentration was totally misled and she could only recall the scene and
say I agree. But she was still straight enough to comment that his new look was
pretty and to ask how his girlfriend or former girlfriend was doing. She
discovered that they broke up when she left some time ago. I must have
been thinking too much, she thought. It´s nothing but a coincidence just like
last week.
She came, surprised that he was sitting there outside with another boy,
smoking. He was obviously in a very good mood that he invited her to sit down
with them. She never expected herself to be nervous in front of any boy, but
she broke the cigarette he just offered her and what was more, the fire of the cigarette
went out after a few seconds. Oh is everything ok, sweetheart?! He asked.
Sweetheart! Did he say so intentionally just to make a show before his friend?
She knew that she was attractive to many men and she was used to it that men
liked to flirt with her even if it was only a show. But
this time, her heart was trembling. The best way to hide is to show, this was
always her motto. So she answered with her trained belle-look face, it’s a long
time since I’ve been sitting together with two young good-looking men. They all
laughed. She didn’t know and didn’t want to know if he took it seriously.
There was the time when they met quite
often- but never privately. There was nothing between them that couldn’t be
seen or told. However she was never a coward to show it directly to any men she
found interesting. She dared to look into their eyes, she dared to
observe them publicly. She never really cared what others said or thought. So
did she do it with David. Actually after that only one time, she never felt
nervous again in his presence. She just observed him. Observed him whether he
also had an eye on her. But he did it so cleverly that she never found out
anything. I must have been thinking too much, she thought. But his eyes, oh
those shining blue eyes, they could melt me when they stare at me.
There came this chance that all of them
went together to a party. The bar was so empty that one could count the people
in there. She was the last one arrived so she took the chair at the edge of the
circle where people sat. He came. He saw her coming and took another chair to
sit down beside her. At one moment she even felt proud. Proud that the
best-looking boy consciously chose to sit by her when his best friends, above
all female friends were there. She felt the curious look from the people but
the silence of him too out of the loud music. Suddenly a stream of indignation
raised and replaced her pride. Why does he always choose a place near me and say
nothing? Nothing but only meaningless words. Her pride was deeply hurt because
she never experienced being interested in a man and being not interesting for
him. What was worse, she couldn’t even tell if he was interested and when yes,
she couldn't grasp the moments he showed it either. How could I be so stupid
and cheap? She almost abused.
Then there came the day that they had to
meet again. All of a sudden he showed his joy seeing her coming. She realized
that things relating to him were just out of her control and she had to accept
it. He even said that he was happy to see her again and being her friend. She
was surprised and at some point disappointed. She was not sure if it was a
welcome signal that he called her friend. Fortunatelly that was a very busy day
so she didn’t have enough time to think it over. Days went and came, they met
and parted and nothing had essentially changed. And then came this moment,
which she hated from then on. It was a common joke they made when two Davids
sat at the same table. They joked that she was so in fond of David that
she almost stuck to him. But it was not the David whom she wanted to stick to.
And she couldn’t find any word to joke back. If only he had ever dropped her
any hint! But he just sat there and looked at her, with those mysterious eys
which could make her faint. He said nothing and didn’t even give a smile. He
should have known that they were joking! She thought. But she never knew what
he was going to play.
She was leaving again. Everybody knew it.
There would be the last chance on the ball if anything was ever going to happen
between them. She was excited. She didn’t know herself whether she really
wanted something to happen. I just take those memories with me when I’m gone if
nothing happens tonight, she thought, and it may be not that bad because it
won’t hurt at least.
This time he came too late. And this time
he didn’t sit down beside her. He didn’t even waist any time to greet her
paying attention. Instead, he flew around like a butterfly, talked and laughed,
made jokes and flirted with every girl. Every girl except her. It hurt so! It
hurt so that she could cry out loud. It hurt so because she didn’t know how she
should interpret his behavior. Was he doing so because he was jealous of David?
The wrong David? Or was he doing so because he really didn't care about her?
She was so confused. She knew she looked even prettier that she attracted the
attention of many. But most of all she wanted to hear something from him. And
he said nothing. He just walked here and there with his sunglasses on drinking
alcohol and she couldn’t find out if he ever looked at her. Or only looked at
her the whole time. But her eyes never stopped following him. How good he
looks! She thought, and this is something that I never had before, trapped only
by the appearance of a man, by his eyes, by the way he looks at me. Unexpected
like always he came to her back and almost touched her, they went together to
hear a song or two. She felt kind of safe when they sat beside each other, but
neither did he look her into the eyes nor give her that caress she had dreamed
of for so long. They went separately and met again in the corridor. He made a
loud whistle as he caught her around the corner but she ran ahead without
answering anything. She was too proud to go the first step without hundred
percent knowing been running after. She kept on talking and dancing with
others. She deserved her fun. But despite all the fun she had that evening, she
felt emptiness. The later it was, the more alcohol they drank, the more
distance there was between them. He came out, she went in, she came out, he
went in. He rather sat or stood towards her than beside her. He had fewer to
say than he already did. But he looked into her eyes. He looked into her eyes
that made her want to cry. What was he thinking about? What was he trying to
figure out? Why didn’t he talk to me? What if it was all my imagination? She
couldn’t stop asking these questions although she knew it was no use. Because
time was running up and she was leaving. Taking those memories with her or
leaving them there behind, there was no difference. Because she knew from then
on there was no more David.
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